The Earth
Keeps Shaking……
Every day is
another earthquake in some part of the world.
I believe
the world will end in one big shake.
I believe
God is getting tired with us.
I believe
God laughs at how ignorant we are
The thoughts
about how each race worship him, the bibles, the churches, The Religious wars.
How some
kill trying to prove their love for God
No matter
what name we use to refer to The Highest Power
Some people
are born looking for others to devour
God is life
not death but we just can’t see
We kill and
then we pray to God while on bending knee
People fear
God but these people aren’t one of me
One shouldn’t
fear what is so easy to see
The love God
put in all of us, in hopes the best we be
I think God
And we call
it floods
I think God
is growing tired of us
I think God
is saying we didn’t get it
So the Earth
keeps shaking…
No one truly
knows how the world will end
Or even if
it will end
No one truly
knows if all the things written in the bible is true
Some like to
believe it to be
Some need to
believe in something
So their
lives don’t seem like nothing
Wonder if
this is Heaven and we live it each day
And God
walks with us
along the way
We can
We can think
That’s what
we are born to do
I still
think God thinks we are all just fools
So the Earth
shakes until the one big Quake
Heaven was
on Earth
Oops now
it’s too late
When we hear
the sounds
The Call Is
Hell bound
Falling 50
feet fast
This is the
way Hell Sounds.
My words, My
Christina Pebbles Collier
God’s Child