Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I think the world has gone crazy 
So many people killing their own babies Losing their minds....The selfish sorta kind It hurts me and I wonder Maybe What would have been different if someone had reach out to them? Seconds before their crime


I find myself losing interest in the day to day things I find myself lost wondering what tomorrow will bring I use to see such beauty in the world, in the simple things That light in my eyes is fading It came on so fast 
People never stop hating I feel it more now…It's different... just crazy Paradise comes with a price People are everything but nice When you are surrounded by evil intentions I find it hard to stay on my mission What happen to all the beautiful people? Where did they go? Mankind can suck the life out of you The light right out of your soul To all the little babies that died That are now in Heaven God Rest Your Souls

Christina P. Collier

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Greatest Love Potion

The air from the ocean it feels so good on my skin

I'm lying in my bed watching Sophie's Choice

It's my first time watching it

My ceiling fan is blowing the smells all around this room

The smell on the ocean dancing around my nose

The waves are wild to tonight so loud

As if they are calling my name Christina, Christina with each splash

I long to be in love tonight, I long to be held
But it's alright, it’s alright

My thoughts won't be easy tonight

Romance is in the air

It's only I that shares these crazy notions

One day I will make love Right by this very ocean

Me, my lover, and our scent

Will be called The Greatest Love Potion

Christina Pebbles Collier

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Gemini & Money

Money Signs....

These are a few things about certain signs I have picked up along the way. '''If it doesn't apply to you then laugh it off''

Gemini Males....
Gemini males love to spend money on themselves and somewhat flash their money too. Now when it comes to their woman... The Gemini males are tight lol. I call them 50 dollar man or 20 dollar man. The Gemini male will spend money on his woman when it's something he wants her to have, and of course then he must talk about it and point it out to all his friends and family what he bought you. Hold on close to it... Hide it Sometimes they will come back for it...when the relationship is over. Gemini males are womanizers... They love women and whenever they get a compliment from a women, it goes to their heads…the big one and the little one. It's hard for them to say thank you and keep it moving. They want to follow through and see if this can be the start of something new. They love the newness of relationships, love to be wanted, complimented and in love. Most Gemini males are happy go lucky types and they have artistic abilities which includes playing musical instruments or singing.  They have a natural God given talent for such!


Since I'm a straight female I can tell you a little about the Gemini Woman Gemini Women are Drama, Drama, and Drama This sign and I get along well with, though when it come to the party scene…. Gemini women love money. For some reason they act as if they never have any and stash it somewhere... This stash is yet to be seen but they stack on a low, low, low. For some reason they love to complain about their life... their family and relationships as if they are not happy. Even when we know that there is no reason for them to complain, they love to act as if their life is just miserable. They will sometimes snatch your happiness away and when you leave a female Gemini you’re mentally drained. You be like damn what just happen...oh yeah I was with Maria. LMAO Female Gemini loves sex...they are big time freaks. This could be a good thing for most men/or women too Gemini females do a lot for their family and friends out of the goodness of their hearts, which are big. 

After they help them though you better believe we are going to have to hear about how long their day was and what they did for others.
Funny thing though they love to help people but complaining is just in the genetics. 

Now I'm not saying everything I wrote is 100 but damn I know I'm freaking close to it. I study people when they have no clue I'm watching and after years of being social and around motherfuckers.... My shit is Spot On... Tell me what you think? I will get to your sign just give me time, I promise. Christina P. Collier

Shh Someone is asleep

Shh Someone is asleep.....

A real killer is quite as kept 

May have a beautiful face 

Toss their smiles from state to state 

One thing you will never see 

Is A Gun By their waist 

A true kill Starts without a gun 

But begins deep in the mind 

No one will notice them

Because they are the everyday sorta of kind 

Now I got you thinking 

Ain't mind fucking divine 

One thing though

Then off to sleep 

Ask yourself 

Are you a dreamer? 


Or The Master Of Deceit?

Shh Be Quiet 

Time To Put Them To Sleep 

One more thing though 

Get down on your knees 

Get in the position 

Like you about to pray 

This is the time when most

Ask God for another blessed day

To Late You fucked up now

And met a Bitch Like me 

Known For Lots Of Things 


The Master Of Deceit 

Lights out shorty Shh..... 

Now R. I. P 


Christina P. Collier

Friday, November 11, 2011

Blood Sister


It's a saying that blood is thicker than water.

It's not just a saying it is true

What it doesn't mean is that you have to stick by those that are related to you.

Those that continue to bring you pain

In your own best interest you should evaluate the relation

It could be time for a change....

My dear sister you cause me such pain. I learned things in the streets of course
Your lessons stayed in my brain.

As time went on you never said you was sorry,

The only thing we truly have in common is... we like to party

Once the party was over

There isn't too much say

Never said you was sorry

Never doesn't go away

I think there is a deep resentment for me
You have, from way back in the day

I have no clue what it was, or what it is.... to this day

My loyalty, I never broke with you
Never did I betray 

Your love felt like hate to me at times

Did you know I could see it in your face....?

The slick way you would stare

Giving the craziest fucking glares

Did you think I couldn't see

Like you were trying to take something out of me

With eyes that deceive

The only thing in life you can change is oneself

That's what I had to do

To move on with my life but I will never stop loving you

Dear sister, Dear sister

This is hard don't you see

My other sister died but you’re not going to be the death of me.

Dear Sister, Dear Sister

I wish you love

I wish you to learn the word... loyalty

I wish you health and wealth

Most of all....I wish you self-love

Do you see the beauty in yourself?

You have to start there dear sister... don't you see

I'm walking away now, but I leave you in peace.

In life sometimes people don't change

But in order to grow

You have to move on from them

You have to be '' On Top Of The Game''

You’re Blood Sister,


A Final note on this matter:

As I have grown older I have learned

To only put all my trust into God...

When it's all said and done nothing else matters.

Although one is my biggest showing loyalty to those that don't deserve it...

Loyalty means everything to me...more than trust.

See if a person is loyal to you they will always come back....
They will never forget you...ever
Trust and believe a loyal Motherfucker Is Priceless
A loyal person will lay down there life for you

You should only put all your trust in God
Humans at some point will always let you down
We are only human


 If you got a loyal person on your side...You Got A Soldier
                                 Ride or Die!
Blood &Water


For the meaning of the word loyalty...
Just click!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Beach Memoirs

Eight Miles.....

I found a new sense of Freedom, one day recently on Hutchinson Island

When I made it to my four mile point on the beach

I look around and said today I'm going to take my skirt off
And get in the water with my panties on.


I did it....


The warmth of the ocean water said back to me...
What took you so long, Love?

I thought damn I have no ideal but this is freedom.

I notice a man about a half mile down the beach
He started walking closer my way
I got out of the water and put my skirt back on

Then this man started taking his clothes off

I had never seen a naked person on the beach

This man got in the water and swam naked
I couldn't stop watching him
I was like an animal
I was like a magnet

I walk on the boardwalk
And just stared at his body
And I knew he knew I was looking
I liked it, I like the fact that he knew I was staring at
His nakedness

My body watching him
Had done things inside that I had never experienced in my life

I was more animal yesterday than ever
I enjoyed looking at this stranger
The water, the sky, the sand, and his freedom

It was the biggest thrill I had ever had
My body was responded in wetness
That I had never known
It dripped from me like a flood

Before I knew it I was walking over to this man
I couldn't stop it
My body was just moving in his direction
There was no stopping me

I walked to him he said ‘’excuse me, excuse me’’
I problem
I just wanted to thank you for the best show
I looked him up and down
I said my name is Christina

I turned and walked away
He said '' Damn Christina you’re so cool''
I just laughed

As I walk my 4 last miles home
I thought wow
I'm learning more and more about myself

For the first time
I was scared....

I was scared of me.

Christina Pebbles Collier

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Conversation With God

Dear God.....

I come to you to say I'm sorry I made a promise I have yet to keep and just maybe I won't be able to.
Since I was a little girl you blessed me with the love of words.

As I got older I told you once I had my dream place on the beach, I would write my story...God you blessed me with a condo on the beach. I have been in Florida since August 1, 2011 and I haven't written a word.

I don't know if I'm making excuses or running away from the pain, maybe both.

I was thinking for almost 23 years I have kept the big secrets from my children why tell them now about me...They don't know me.

Although they are older I still may do damage...Does a child need to know everything. How can I explain to them things in my past that I have done, will they ever respect me again...if I bring to light my sins. Does this story need to be told?

God I feel like you want me to tell it...
I'm here living my dream and it's because of you.

I don't know how to write the first sentence, I never wrote a book before.

I don't know how to deal with the pain...see I have learn to bury it somewhere inside of me, and when it tries to come up...I made it go back down.

How do I write about things that I have blocked out, people that I share secrets with till the death only you know?

How do I write this...I feel an urgent need, like time is against me and that something going to happen to me soon?

God does a child need to know everything?
Do you think people talk too much?
Will I do more damage to my kids then good?
If I write do I start at the beginning or The End?

Tick Tock...Tick Tock...Tick Tock


Every one of us-one day our hearts will stop

I have to do this God, and give it all I got!
I love you,
You’re Daughter


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Woman's Work


Men did you know, you should hug a woman today?


I have two weeks out of the month that I am so called Normal

One week in this month....

I'm an emotional mess
I eat everything
I can be sad or happy at the drop of a dime
I'm walking around bloated looking two months pregnant...
For the entire week, I'm just a bloated hot mess-nothing fits right

Then the blood flows.....
No more PMS
Oh what a relief it is
But now I have stomach cramps
And a woman can bleed up to 7 days

We women from the time we are about 12 -14 years old have to spend money on Pads, Tampons, and Douches up until the pussy comes to a Holt.
So from age 12-60 a woman will bleed once a month, every month, for all these years.

The average woman spends $15.00 a month on hygiene products.
The average woman has a menstrual cycle for 45 years.
That's $8,100 dollars...Women it is cheaper to be born a man, laughing.
In some countries that's enough to buy a small home.
       In the USA you can buy a Foreclose Home Too! 
           The next time your lady says baby
       I started my period and I'm not in the mood.

          Don't run and go get a towel saying
     ''It's okay we won't get the sheet's a mess''

    Lie beside her, just hold her, and rub her stomach
                        And Think About
          A Woman's Worth...We Are Priceless!

