It's a saying that blood is thicker than water.
It's not just a saying it is true
What it doesn't mean is that you have to stick by those that
are related to you.
Those that continue to bring you pain
In your own best interest you should evaluate the relation
It could be time for a change....
My dear sister you cause me such pain. I learned things
in the streets of course
Your lessons stayed in my brain.
As time went on you never said you was sorry,
The only thing we truly have in common is... we like to party
Once the party was over
There isn't too much say
Never said you was sorry
Never doesn't go away
I think there is a deep resentment for me
You have, from way back in the day
I have no clue what it was, or what it is.... to this day
My loyalty, I never broke with you
Never did I betray
Your love felt like hate to me at times
Did you know I could see it in your face....?
The slick way you would stare
Giving the craziest fucking glares
Did you think I couldn't see
Like you were trying to take something out of me
With eyes that deceive
The only thing in life you can change is oneself
That's what I had to do
To move on with my life but I will never stop loving you
Dear sister, Dear sister
This is hard don't you see
My other sister died but you’re not going to be the death of
Dear Sister, Dear Sister
I wish you love
I wish you to learn the word... loyalty
I wish you health and wealth
Most of all....I wish you self-love
Do you see the beauty in yourself?
You have to start there dear sister... don't you see
I'm walking away now, but I leave you in peace.
In life sometimes people don't change
But in order to grow
You have to move on from them
You have to be '' On Top Of The Game''
You’re Blood Sister,
A Final note on this matter:
As I have grown older I have learned
To only put all my trust into God...
When it's all said and done nothing else matters.
Although one is my biggest flaws...is showing loyalty to
those that don't deserve it...
Loyalty means everything to me...more than trust.
See if a person is loyal to you they will always come
They will never forget you...ever
Trust and believe a loyal Motherfucker Is Priceless
A loyal person will lay down there life for you
You should only put all
your trust in God
Humans at some point will always let you down
We are only human
If you got a loyal
person on your side...You Got A Soldier
Ride or Die!
Blood &Water
For the meaning of the word loyalty...
Just click!